
nervous habits

for those of you that don't know.
I just felt like posting all my nervous habits
i feel like it

  1. picking at my arms and legs. During stressful times I always have major scars. Right now they are healing. 
  2. Biting my lip (not to be confused for when i do this when i am thinking dirty things LOL)
  3. cracking my knuckles. they get a brutal beating when i am upset
  4. making really stupid jokes 
  5. smiling and laughing over enthusiastically unless the joke was actually that funny. 
  6. at extreme nervousness I become extremely silent and a completely different person than when i am not.
  7. sweaty palms, very rare but it's happened.
  8. wanting to hear about other people's problems to distract myself. 
I think that's it. Im sure there are some that I don't notice.

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