
drawings with meaning

I have taken to drawing things that I actually have a personal connection to or that are going off of my opinions on things. And more freehand as well. Usually I take a picture of someone famous whom I admire and I draw them, but lately I have been doing more conceptual drawings from my head. It's fun and no one can tell you that you did the nose wrong or something because it comes from your head and not an actual image.
I drew a gay pride flag with the word "judge" in bold letters across the front. Not because I think you should judge people for being gay! No. Just because that's what people do when they hear, see or think of anything associated with the LGBT community.
I also drew a robot satirizing society and what people are always thinking about. I don't know. It makes sense in my mind.
I have to start coming up with ideas for what I am going to do my major project painting on for art class... I know I am doing it in the style of Degas though. I love his style! ug such greatness. Not that I will ever be able to pull it off. But I'll sure as hell try!

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