I just got back from this exhibit the environmental design first year students put on at the university and it was really quite cool! It was all types of architecture and design but since it was first year it was not the boring models of buildings like I thought it would be. It was interactive art. I loved the atmosphere and if S didn't go with me I probably would have stayed longer and talked with the designers about their projects. The people there are my kind of people. They are all mac, artsy, stylish, and crazy about art. It makes me happy. It makes me really itch to go to university whenever I visit there. I would love to go to an exhibit put on by the fine art students. After me and S were walking back to the car and we were talking about my future and what I wanted to do with my life. She is so hard to be around sometimes especially when I am talking about my future because I want to be the starving artist type that creates beautiful things and maybe work in photography for a magazine or something cool like that but she says that I must choose something that will actually give me a living and to be realistic, but if it is something that I am willing to work for then it could be possible. I mean yes I will have to choose a back up plan. Possibly go into something that I am only half happy with so that I have something to fall back on, but my first choice is art. Anything and everything related to it.
I have no idea what I would like to do with my future and right now that is okay because I am only 15 (16 very very soon!) and I have time to figure this all out. I will probably change my mind about a million times before I figure it out but lots of people don't figure it out until university. So I think I am doing fine :)
On sunday I am going shopping with janelle and adriana for new summer clothes because I hate everything I own pretty much. I mean some of it I can work with but I need some new stuff. And i need new bras and underwear ^^ I love bra shopping haha
I am strange
i know
a dancer.
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